a free workshop that changed my life??

Let me tell you a little bit about it.

If you’ve ever been curious about licensing your artwork or becoming a surface pattern designer, Bonnie Christine is offering a FREE Workshop, The Art of Business, 7 Secrets to Success in Surface Pattern Design! She’ll be covering how to get started in your career as a licensing artist and the essential stages you'll go through. We’ll also be creating our very own personalized map to success and discuss all the ways you can add to your income and multiple streams of revenue to your business as a surface designer.  

You’ll learn how to:

Craft a career you LOVE in surface pattern design

Work through the essential stages to becoming a licensing artist

Create a personalized roadmap to your success

 Add multiple streams of income to your business as a designer. 

Who’s ready to join me?!


Lesson #1 will arrive on Monday, February 5th. THAT’S TOMORROW!

Each lesson is recorded so you do not need to watch it live. All the lessons will be available until the 13th and I promise you can do it!

I am living in the career of my dreams thanks to this incredible course. It’s free. What do you have to lose by trying?


100 Things to Draw