Learn to Letter: "A"

I am so excited to be sharing these mini lettering lessons with you! Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn brush lettering, or maybe you are just ready to take on a new challenge. Maybe you had no idea I was doing this and you’re just along for the ride! Wherever you land, I think learning how to make these types of letters is going to bring something joyful to your life, and I would love to hear how you’re using your new skill!

As you know, lettering is personal. I am going to be showing you my personal alphabet and the way that I like to write. I would recommend you trying to follow along exactly and then creating your own style once you’re comfortable with the brush, ink, and basics.

A note on ink. I love for my ink to flow easily, so I often add a few drops of water to it. I like to use the lid of a small jar to combine the ink and a little bit of water. I think you’ll see what I mean in the video, but always ask if you have questions about anything.