Art Supplies
I’ve been a user and collector of art supplies my whole life, but when I just started my calligraphy business in 2013, I had no idea what tools I actually needed. I was making my best guess and often buying the wrong things. I’ve wasted plenty of money on things I thought were going to be amazing but ended up being a total flop. Over the last 10 years of drawing and lettering, I’ve landed on some favorites. These are the products that I use regularly as a surface designer and hand-letterer, and they’re the ones I would buy if I were just starting out. Each artist has their favorites, and these are mine! If you’re just focusing on watercolor, you may not need the lettering specific paint pens. Let me know if you have questions!
Look through your art supplies first! Maybe someone in your family started a hobby at some point but doesn’t use them anymore. Maybe your kids have some stuff they’d be willing to share. Look on Amazon or head to your local art store and gather what you need. The most important thing is to just start an art practice - even if it’s only a few minutes a day.